Hey there! 👋 

I'm Livea, and I've been creating hobbyhorses since I was 13. After crafting over 150 horses and writing my own Hobbyhorse Handbook. Getting started with hobbyhorsing is easier than you might think. Let me show you how!

What's a Hobbyhorse?
Simply put, It's a horse head made out of fabric and attached to a stick - but I would argue that it's so much more than that. It's your training partner, your creative outlet, and your ticket into an incredible community of passionate people!

Getting Started: Your First Steps

1. Create Your First Horse
Everyone starts somewhere, and there are so many ways to begin:

  • Try making your own hobbyhorse! There are heaps of videos on my Youtube to help you out. It is such an amazing thing to be able to create a horse with your own hands, and then to use it in riding and competing.
  • Start simple - even basic materials can create something special.
  • Buy a finished hobbyhorse. There are a lot available on the market.
    Pro tip: Don't worry about perfection. Your first horse is about learning and having fun!

2. Start Riding
You don't need fancy equipment to begin training:

  • Practice basic gaits: Start with walking and trotting in your backyard.
  • Try dressage: My hobbyhorse handbook provide some simple exercises to try! Ride in the different gaits and feel fabulous doing so.
  • Set up jumps: Two chairs and a broomstick make a perfect beginner fence
    Pro tip: Record yourself riding - it's the best way to see your progress!

3. Join the Community
This is where the magic happens:

  • Follow other hobbyhorsers on Instagram for daily inspiration. You will learn that you can quickly make a lot of friends.
  • Watch both riders and creators - you'll be amazed at what people can do in this community! 
  • Share your journey - we love seeing new faces!
    Pro tip: Want to learn more? Check out my Hobbyhorse Handbook - it's filled with all my tips and tricks from years of experience!

Remember: Every champion started as a beginner. The most important thing is to just start and have fun with it! 💫

Questions? Drop them in the comments or DM me - I'm always here to help!

Artemis Hobbyhorses